
Signs Your Chimney is Failing and Requires Chimney Repairs in Brighton | Reliable Chimney Specialists

At Wayne Sweep Chimney Sweeps, our chimney specialists provide various services to improve chimneys in Brighton and the surrounding areas we cover. We offer full chimney cavity inspections, chimney repairs, chimney sweeping, chimney repointing, chimney flaunching, chimney tuckpointing, chimney stack stabilising and fitting chimney cowls and chimney caps. Our team provides a friendly and efficient service to ensure homes are protected, safe and comfortable.

Here, we look at some of the key signs that your chimney may be failing and require repairs. The common signs include:

  • Leaks

  • Blockages

  • Damaged Bricks

  • Poor Mortar



If your chimney is leaking either through the flue or from the signs into your home, then you need to call our professionals immediately. Leaks can move across surfaces, occur for various reasons, and be difficult to locate. When you notice a leak, call our team for a cavity inspection, and we can find the problem and repair it before any further damage occurs.


Chimneys in Brighton and the surrounding areas can be blocked for various reasons. Whether birds have nested in the chimney, a rodent is stuck in the flue, or your flue suffers from creosote build-ups, we can clear all chimney blockages. You can tell if you have an obstruction by listening for a small amount of wind to check if the damper is open, or visually checking to see if you can see light through the chimney during the daytime.

You can count on our chimney specialists for inspections, chimney sweeping, chimney repairs, chimney repointing and new chimney cowls.

Damaged Bricks

If your chimney’s exterior has damaged or missing bricks, repairs are overdue. Chimneys are built to last, but with constant exposure to the elements and time, they can deteriorate and require repairs. We recommend annual chimney services to keep your chimney in top condition.

Poor Mortar

Mortar endures the same exposure to weather conditions as chimney bricks do, so this can also disintegrate over time. We can repair chimneys with repointing, tuckpointing and weather-struck chimney pointing to return chimneys to their full functional capabilities and improve their aesthetic appeal.


Comprehensive Services

At Wayne Sweep Chimney Sweeps, we provide a wide range of services to repair, update and improve chimneys for customers in Brighton and all surrounding areas. Some of the core services our chimney specialists offer include:

  • Chimney Cavity Inspections

  • Chimney Flaunching

  • Chimney Tuckpointing

  • Fitting Chimney Caps

  • Chimney Stack Stabilising

  • Chimney Sweeping

  • Chimney Repairs

  • Chimney Repointing

  • Fitting Chimney Cowls

  • Bird Nest Removal

We are happy to advise you on all aspects of the services we provide to keep you and your family safe, comfortable and your chimney in excellent condition.

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07584 431 399
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Wayne Sweep Chimney Sweeps - Onwards and Upwards!
For chimney specialists providing chimney repairs and more services in Horsham, Brighton and all surrounding areas, please call Wayne Sweep Chimney Sweeps on 07584 431 399 today.